Obama caught shit for Reverend Wright. So what's good for the goose . . . .

Santorum under microscope after attending church service where pastor tells non-Chistians to ‘get out’

During his sermon, Rev. Dennis Terry called on his congregants to "stand up" against liberals, homosexuals and women who have abortions

By Aliyah Shahid / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

It looks like Rick Santorum may have a “Jeremiah Wright” of his own.

The Republican presidential candidate is coming under the microscope after he attended a Louisiana church service this week where the pastor suggested non-Christians should "get out" of America.

The Rev. Dennis Terry of the Greenwell Springs Baptist Church gave the fiery speech on Sunday; it has since gone viral. In it Terry is seen introducing Santorum to the congregation, saying, "I know Rick really well, and he is the real deal."

During his sermon, Terry called on his congregants to "stand up" against liberals, homosexuals and women who have abortions.

"Listen to me. If you don't love America, and you don't like the way we do things, I've got one thing to say, get out!" he said. "We don't worship Buddha, we don't worship Mohammed, we don't worship Allah. We worship God. We worship God's son Jesus Christ."

The 1,400-person crowd broke into thunderous applause as Terry continued, "As long as they continue to kill little babies in our mother's womb, somebody's got to take a stand and say it's not right. God be merciful to us as a nation. As long as sexual perversion is becoming normalized, somebody needs to stand up and say God forgive us, God have mercy upon us."

Santorum — who is trying to woo Christian conservatives like himself — was seen clapping throughout the speech, according to The Associated Press.

On Monday the former Pennsylvania senator was pressed by reporters about Terry's comments in Illinois, where he's campaigning for Tuesday's primary.

Santorum said he did not share all of the pastor's views.

"I believe in freedom of religion and all religions are welcome and should be. I think I've made that pretty clear throughout my campaign," he said.

Santorum also insisted he didn't clap when Terry said non-Christians should get out of the country.

"I do remember him saying that and I wasn't quite sure if he was saying it for himself," Santorum said. “I wasn't quite listening to everything to be quite honest with you. But I wasn't quite sure if he was speaking for himself or speaking quite generally, but I didn't clap when he said it because that's not how I think.”

Since the speech surfaced, some have compared Terry to Jermiah Wright, President Obama's controversial ex-pastor who threw the Commander-in-Chief's campaign into turmoil in 2008 when a video surfaced of Wright ripping American policies.


"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.