Originally Posted By: klydon1
"Culture War" is one of the biggest oxymorons out there.

One thing the American electorate has lost,or are losing, over the past few years, is the value of leadership in electing officials. Terms like "conservative," "liberal," "right or left wing," "elitist," "evangelical," "theocracy," "Legislating morality," "war on religion, "etc. get constantly flung at each other from both sides in the disengenuous attempt to discredit and distort political opponents, that the terms lose meaning.

The most fundamental question to ask about the presidential candidate isn't what is his/her position is on a certain issue, but rather can he/she effectively lead the nation. If I were a registered Republican, even though my political beliefs are more closely in line with Romney than the rest of the field, I would not be able to vote for him because I don't see any leadership qualities in him. He 's repeatedly put his foot in his mouth and has subsequently had to explain what he meant. He is playing a role more than he is campaigning for office, and I believe this may be part of the reason he can't break away from a less than impressive field. He's undoubtedly a bright guy and a successful businessman, but he has shown me that he would not be an effective leader.

Huh? There are certainly things that Romney lacks but, given his track record as a businessman, the Olympics, etc., I don't leadership is one of them. Some misstatements during a campaign notwithstanding.

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