Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Do you know exactly what a trojan.clicker virus is?

Not to upset anyone, but this webpage has been blocked by my employer. They said I infected 2 computers visiting this site. They said something about the advertisements were transmitting information back to China/Russia or something. I'm wondering if that's how I got the trojan.clicker viruses on my home computer?

A Trojan-Clicker is a type of trojan that remains resident in system memory and continuously or regularly attempts to connect to specific websites. This is done to inflate the visit counters for those specific pages.

The purpose of a trojan-clicker is to either earn money for appearing to drive traffic to specific sites (fraud) or to drain the budget of a competitor (attack) by artificially inflating the referrals that are paid for.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.