Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
I'm sorry SV, but I can't hear you for your washing machine in the background and it's heavy spin.

"We are going to win tomorrow." - Mitt Romney


Shit exit polls even had Mittens winning Miss. Considering all the elements I mentioned, plus the state GOP firmly behind him, I fully expected Mittens to win at least one of the two tonight. If he had, primary season over. But he didn't. I do agree he is the "front runner," but again he's winning by default with that damn delegate system, which for whatever reason the GOP thought was a genius move to emulate from the Democrats.* Except for Florida, he's not once truely been the Queen Bitch of the narrative.

(He'll win the delegates tonight I guess, but again he's had another knock out moment. And missed. I think what hurts him more than anything else is the never-ending reports of how he and his affiliated Super Pacs are outspending Santorum out the wazoo. That raises expectations of performance. Thanks Citizens United.)

As for your 2008 allusions, I didn't know Ohio was a bastion of liberialism, same with New Hampshire. Also you forget that while African-Americans are a core element of the Democratic voting bloc, they're no way near weld the power and influence within their own party in comparison with the Evangelicals in the GOP.

Just give it up and blame Mittens' struggles tonight on the Feminazis. And don't forget the homosexuals too. And Al Sharpton's radio show.

Al Sharpton? How petulant.

I can't think of any political junkie who expected Romney to win these two states. He lost states he was expected to lose. Why is it an issue?

If you are going to conclude that Romney's loss in the Deep South is an Evangelical issue, it would be like saying Obama's losses in California, NY and NJ mean voters in those states have an issue with a black candidate. But in the end they didn't. And there won't be a problem with Evangelicals voting against Obama in November.