Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
I'll give Mr. Santorum credit: He was outspent 6-1 by Mittens, and Newt the spoiler, I didn't honestly think he would win a state, much less both. Once again declared dead by the media (and me), and once again, he lives to fight for a another day.

Mittens earlier today called today's primaries "the desperate end" of Santorum's campaign. So Mitt, you lost to a desperate loser. And came in third! Opps. lol

I hate Newt, but this was funny:

"If a front-runner keeps coming in third, he's not the front-runner."

The results tonight were as expected. No big deal.

Romney is clearly the front-runner. Just like it was clear Obama was the front-runner even when Hillary beat him in key leftist states and went on a big win streak. And how did that work out?

People saying that Romney has an Evangelical problem would have to look at 2008 DNC primaries and conclude that NY, NJ and CA had a "black problem" when Hillary won those states.