Yeah, those anonymous internet bloggers and supposed impartial media outlets who spread tautological, biased false narratives are the sources of true information, ron ron.

Pre 9-11 was a long time ago and considering the fact we're pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq I would hardly put Obama in the Bush category on Muslim affairs. You think Obama's national security is arguably more right wing than so-called war-mongering Bush who you all wanted for crimes and say unlawfully massacred thousands of innocent Iraqis? lol REally!?!

Wow, you guys have no problem twisting the facts to win each and every argument even if it discredits your overall party rhetoric.

But Obama has more credibility in the Muslim world because of his background, that's just a fact. If we can use that to our political advantage then hell YES we should. Which is why if we want to take care of business over there we should keep him in office.

Considering all of that, it's not surprising that 1 out of 2 people surveyed in one very non scientific poll think this man whose name also happens to be Hussein with Kenyan ancestory is Muslim, I don't think this equates to mass racism, conspiracy, or ignorance.

Because you know, the man in fireman's jacket & fireman's pants with a fireman's helmet, safety boots, an axe and a hose may just possibly be a fireman...not that there's anything wrong with it.