Originally Posted By: Don Marco
Why do you care? I don't see a big deal being made of anyone's religion, so what difference does it make? Trinity United Church of Christ - there are thousand of churchs called "Church of Christ" in this country. Just because it doesn't say Baptist, Methodist, or Lutheran doesn't make it any less Christian.

Is anyone really surprised that Mississippi and Alabama think he is Muslim, don't believe in evolution, and admire Rush Limbaugh. Is it a coincidence that Alabama and Mississippi have some of the worst education systems in the country? The home of Haley Barbour?

Perfectly put, DM. Who cares what brand of Christianity the guy follows?

And for that matter, who really cares if he is a Muslim, as long as he's not an extremist Muslim. Because I have to tell you, we just had eight years of an extremist Christian President, and look how that worked out.

In my opinion, if you vote for anyone who puts theology above government, I'd have to say you have mental problems. And I say this as a practicing Catholic with a tremendous interest in other religions (especially Judaism).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.