Pat Robertson made many such claims debunked by poli-facts.

The President DID go to school in Indonesia where they taught (as I understand) both Muslim & Catholicism. He was enrolled by his father (who was in his life a very short time)who was Muslim but shortly after became atheist.

By what I've read/learned, I assume he never really was a big church goer until he was an adult. So What? BUT then he's got that scary middle name, HUSSEIN that the right love to emphasize. OMG, I said it. rolleyes

Politifact sums it up this way:

Obama’s own writings, independent biographies and news articles show he had a secular childhood. Sure, he went to an Indonesian school where most of the children were Muslim and there are accounts that he sometimes attended a mosque with his Islamic stepfather. But there is no evidence that the president was a practicing Muslim raised in the faith.

Btw, my family is Catholic. I have two grandchildren who went/are going to a Religious "Non-Catholic" preschool. I do NOT consider them to be of that faith even tho the Preschool incorporate religion (although admittedly since they are 4yr olds, it doesn't play a major role) in their teachings.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 03/13/12 11:39 AM.

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