Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Taking everything into consideration, as well as dispensing with wishful thinking, it would be reckless not to assume they would use it sooner or later.

You hear that? That's the sound of a mullah counting his money earned from such war talk. KA-CHING!

Really, they'll "use it sooner or later?" Based on what? Your fears? Newsmax?

Not including tests, the only time nuclear weapons have been detonated was in 1945.

Not even an evil government like the Soviet Union ever used them, and they were quite frankly a real legitimate scary threat worth shitting your pants over. Proven history of having little to no regard or respect for their neighbors, I'm certain they would've tried to overwhelm Western Europe militarily sometime in the Cold War era if not for the nuclear deterrent.

China has had them since the 1950s, doesn't that scare you? Or hell, Pakistan/India? You know, two nations who hate each other for a living and been to war three times? Remember back in the 2000s when they had their own little stand-off which threatened to spill over into war?

(Off-topic, but I'll get back to my point: Why isn't the GOP scaremongering about Pakistan? They have nukes. They don't like us, they're proven without a shadow a doubt that they've undermined us greatly in Afghanistan. They're not a friend as much as a drug dealer you need for that fix at the moment. God I hope we kick those assholes to the curb whenever we escape Afghanistan.)

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

And not just a direct attack on Israel or whoever but also use it as leverage to further influence/destabilize the region.

That region is already destabilized. (Or the more appropriate terminology, dysfunctional.)

BTW off-topic, what did you personally think of when George W. Bush vetoed the same airstrikes that Israel demanded in '08?

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

But, hey, maybe the Iranians really are just sick of using all that oil under the ground and really do want to convert to nuclear energy. whistle

With zero evidence, I've wondered if they're punking us over that shit. If Saddam played mind games with us over his imaginary WMD stockpile (like the Iranian agent "Curveball" that we believed), why wouldn't they do it too?