Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
This isn't Obama beating Hillary. More like imagine if Obama had trouble defeating Dennis Kucinich.

Ha ha ha, good comparison. Btw, Kujcinich lost to Kaptor I hear?? I don't know anything about Kaptor, but was that expected I wonder? confused

Oh, and btw, I don't remember exact figures BUT Mitt spent "millions" more (of course) and STILL it was neck & neck.


Kucinich did lose yesterday, and good riddance to him.

Interesting: Virginia where he ran on the ballot only against Ron Paul, Mittens failed to crack 60%. Strange to dismiss a double-digit win, but he found a way.

Anyway I'm reminded of 1960 when JFK had to win the West Virginia primary and beat Hubert Humphrey to prove to his party's bosses that despite his drawbacks (Catholic, Yankee, Irish-American, too young, inexperienced), he could convincingly win with blue-collar voters. Specifically those in Dixieland.

Fox News personality Rich Lowry wrote this today:

Romney: The Candidate of 'Eh'

Rarely has a candidate seemed so inevitable and so weak at the same time.


Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 03/07/12 01:31 PM.