Mittens lost the evangelical vote in Ohio by double digits, but wins them in Virginia. Mittens also lost the Independent vote in both primaries. Paul is losing by 20 in VA (better performance than I expected honestly), but he's edged out Mittens for the under-$50,000 income vote.

At least Mittens won the abortion vote.

In Ohio, the race was close among all women: 37 - 40 for Santorum. But among unmarried women? Santorum lost big: 30 - 44 percent.

And as someone from Tennessee, I can partly confirm this exit poll:

More than six in 10 primary voters in Ohio, Tennessee and Georgia say it’s important to share a candidate’s religious beliefs, according to preliminary exit polling. Sharing religious values peaks in Tennessee, where nearly three-quarters say so.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 03/06/12 09:42 PM.