Originally Posted By: m2w
But we could see that is still the single major criminal groups, i dont think russians blacks or hispanic are cohesive, theyre more fractured different cells and not connected each others in different cities

I've said before that a good argument can be made that the LCN is still the strongest organized crime group in the greater New York metropolitan area.

Originally Posted By: CarloRizzo
Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't the mafia really not nearly as cohesive as the media makes out like?

I've heard a lot of guys don't even know what family they are with.

Obviously, if a guy is made, he knows what family he's with. I'd venture to say most associates do too. I think where the cohesion is lacking is on a bigger scale. Of course, the NY families interact with each other, and have some interaction with the families in New England, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. But it's not like there's much of a connection between, say, the Bruno family in Philadelphia and the Patriarca family in New England. Or between the DeCavalcantes in New Jersey and the Outfit in Chicago.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 03/03/12 02:48 AM.

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