Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
One thing I've learned about Romney is that he is not as politically smart as I thought. He constantly is putting his foot in his mouth. I pictured him to be much smoother a politician.

Anyway, I read turnout thus far in MI is low and a few reports that Dems are showing up at the polls. Hopefully my Michigander friend, Lilo will pop in to update us. smile


You rang??? smile

I saw those reports too TIS, that turnout was light. On my morning commute I drive past a library that is the local voting precinct. Usually for primaries in election year there's a lot of traffic. This time there wasn't. Of course I live in a predominantly Democratic leaning area. So maybe that doesn't mean too much.

I would love to see Santorum win the Republican nomination so I hope he wins Michigan. I was just surfing "Hardball" and Joe Klein says he thinks Santorum will do better among Lincoln Park and downriver voters which is , if you're familiar with the area, a polite way of saying Santorum will do better among poorer, less educated people. rolleyes We'll see. Polls close soon.

As far as Democrats crossing over, Santorum asked for it. Some are doing it.

It appears some Democrats are indeed joining Republicans at the polls Tuesday in Michigan to weigh in on the GOP's race for the presidential nomination.

Interviews Tuesday in Metro Detroit showed evidence of Democrats crossing over and casting votes for Republican candidates.

Democrats Rod and Amy Farrier voted at the Ann Arbor Township Hall on Tuesday afternoon — and they weren't in agreement. The wife backed Mitt Romney, while the husband said he voted for Ron Paul.

"I can't stomach those other guys," Rod Farrier said. "Ron Paul's the only one on there with any integrity."

Amy Farrier said she voted for Romney to help the Michigan native stave off an upset by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, a vocal social conservative.

"It would scare me if he gets in (the White House)," Amy Farrier said.

Her husband added: "I think he'd get rid of birth control. He wants to have a theocracy."

But Ben Sims, a Ferndale resident and Democrat, crossed over and voted for Santorum to upset Romney's showing in Michigan, and ultimately help President Barack Obama get re-elected.
"I just don't like Mitt," said Sims, 76. "I didn't vote for his daddy."

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
Winter is Coming

Now this is the Law of the Jungle—as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.