The past two years my golf playing has really dwindle. Financials and caring for the twins were the likely excuse. Didn't mind taking care of the twins, but this year I hope to get back in the swing.

My clubs are a hodge podge collection. Driver-Nike 460 Sumo; 3 Wood-Nike SQ; Taylor Made Rescue 3 (it was a gift, I would have preferred a 5); 7 Wood, Callaway knockoff called a Calcutta (my favorite club); MacGregor irons 5,6,7,8,9,PW (old); then 3 clubs I made from kits (Maltby) putter that looks like a Ping, Slippery Frog for around the green or low shots under trees (where I usually find my ball) and a Sand Putter, suppose to use out of the bunker, but for me its good inside 50 yards. OH, and another gift club - Cleveland SW 56 degree. May player partners always try to challenge my clubs as illegal, but they aren't and there are 14.

So let's start bragging about our efforts this year!

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12