Yeah what a joke Paul has become IMO (as if his isolationalist, drug-legalization, gold-standard b.s. wasn't enough). He seems to be hitching his wagons to whomever the frontrunner is because during the Florida debate he more than once mentioned that he might be preparing to back Gingrich, but that he had to maybe try and change Newt's policy on foreign affairs.

Now he comes out to help Romney by accusing Santorum of being a fake, a charge which MSNBC's Laurence O' Donnell of all people defended Santorum on, calling Paul the biggest fake in the entire field because of his phony libertarian stance.

Of course Paul's already alienated a good deal of his supporters when the rumors of him being racist came out, and I just don't think that the anti-establishment types that Paul attracts would get behind any of these other candidates.

I can't stand this field of GOP candidates. I'd vote for Gingrich if I didn't think he was suffering from Early-onset Alzheimer's & Dementia. There WAS a time when he was the Democrats worst nightmare, you know.