I remember watching one of the episodes last night when i was completely trashed and thinking this was significant to post about lol. The episode where he and Ade just about get it on.

At the start of the episode Meadow is at Ade's club with her friends and when she bumps into Tony he seems to be wiping his nose alot, at least 3 times i cottoned onto him checking his nose. Was this implying that he had been doing coke or was i looking into it too much. Seemed strange as other than the toke from Janice's joint and the peyote, i can't think of any other time Tony did drugs other than his meds.

I know later in the episode Adriana shares a line with him and the planned trip for them to pick some up.

Underworld UK

"The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled, Was Convincing The World He Didn't Exist"