Don't you love a deli? There's just something about an old waitress with a Brooklyn accent telling you, "Okay, I'm here, whaddya want?" Then, after you order, "Ha'bout on the side; ya want fries or slaw?" All without a smile, with the meanest attitude and look on her face, like you just killed her mother or something. And then all of a sudden, her "sweet" side shows through, as she stops being mean and goes, "Moah cawfee, honey?" as she walks by ten minutes later. lol You do a double take, like, "Did she really call me honey or did I hear wrong? I thought she hated me!" I swear, it's like they're bipolar or something.

Man, we need more delis around here. I have to move to NY. We have Canter's in L.A., and Nate 'n Al's in Beverly Hills. Best breakfast ever at Nate 'n Al's... Also the best Reuben sandwich. I'm sure there must be a few more delis in the Jewish neighborhoods (more Jewish than Fairfax or Beverly!!! lol ), but those are the two I go to. See... I really have to go to NY... I bet the Reubens here don't even hold a candle to some deli on a numbered street, like 86th or something. wink

What I don't get is how all the waitresses here at any deli have NY accents... did they really all come from there, or is some of it just to set the mood? And they're all older women, too. I don't get it. All I know is, because of them, if I hear a 60+ woman with a NY accent, I start craving a brisket sandwich or kraut or something.

Are delis really that commonplace there (in NY), or is it just the impression I get from movies? Maybe it's just an overdone cliche. Either way, I'm sure they've got more than we have here...

Anyway, one of my longest posts, yet one of the most pointless. The joy of going to a deli. Very important topic. rolleyes