You claim to know a lot about LCN and know nothing. There has always been an Irish capo in the Bruno family mob as there was and is in the New York Gambino family after the Castellano and Westies agreement made over dinner at Tommasso's in Brooklyn.

Anyone who knows anything about LCN knows that there are all different ethnic and national groups that makeup the underworld.

Movies like Goodfellas with the 100% Sicilian stuff is absurd.

First of all, very few of the Merlino crew were ever made. When the Young Turks went to war with the Commission assigned Stanfa led mafia, they needed help from the K&A as well as other gangs. The Young Turks in exchange promised positions of prominence to leaders of these factions who helped them in the war.

Also, there are many many many officers in mafia families that were never "made". In fact, the majority of the mob's leadership right now IS NOT MADE. Many of the most cunning and powerful recognize that all participating in these criminal organization rituals does is make them subject to RICO statutes.

John Stanfa (former Philly boss), Ligambi and former boss Natale were NEVER MADE. Out of the last five Philly bosses (including current boss Steven Mazzone) only Merlino was a made man.

Its time to stop viewing the mob through Hollywood glasses and get a real understanding of LCN. Watching mob movies doesnt make you an expert.