Well, the blame certainly does NOT entirely lie with the President, but one could (and the Republicans are) making the case that Obama's blocking the pipeline and over-regulating is the first mistake. His pushing uneconomic alternative energy is the second. His non-active stance on foreign matters which is a dare to the leaders of countries like Iran and Venezuela to challenge him is his third mistake. And these all add up to a coming crisis, and I have a feeling it's going to get UGLY this summer.

We had a record setting mild winter this year meaning energy demands are down, so prices certainly shouldn't rise. However, the oil companies (bastards that they are) took their supply overseas to places like China where the demand is at a record high, and this rise in demand overseas increase the prices everywhere.

But we do indeed have the lowest energy prices in the world because we've been able to utilize our own domestic energy supplies and those of Canada/Mexico.