Focusing on the real issues.

Mittens/Newt/Santorum all promise to Ban Distribution of Porn

The conservative group Morality In Media is head over heels today after all three top Republican candidates promised to go war against the distribution of porn.

What the candidates and the group really are saying through the usual right wing code is that they want to ban pornography.

On one of their many websites, the group claims blames pornography for most of society’s ills and believes that porn causes brain damage, “Simultaneously, medical research documenting how pornography harms brain function is now available, yet it is still relatively unknown to parents, medical personnel, legislators, and law enforcement.”

If you really want to know how the Republican Party got so screwed up, consider that the top three candidates for the Republican presidential nomination has given more detail about how they would ban pornography than they have about how they would create jobs. I don’t care what people do in the privacy of their homes, and you would think that supposedly “small government” conservatives wouldn’t either.