Originally Posted By: moolou
What are these sites you talk about? Care to share a link?

They are mentioned on several boards similar to this one. Most likely by locals, whom have first hand knowledge, apparently. No real documented news sources, but...

Several threads on www.network64.com mention these guys. Be they posts or individual threads.


And somewhere on streetgangs.com there was mention of them

Anyways those are just a few I recall. Info isn't authorative. But it's there. No if these were all written by the same screenname it could all easily be debunked. Otherwise, if youw ant to consider it, a motive for creating a bunch of fake account across the web to diseminate false informationd oesn't seem practical or any real gain in it for the perpetrator. Which makes me believe that there could be some truth to these various claims. However, the extent of their involvement with OC is questionable and clearly not concrete. Where this is smoke there is fire though, as I always say.