I forgot about the primaries today, so I randomly found out on another message board that apparently Mittens the unstoppable front-runner had a very very very bad night.

To be fair, his campaign had played down expectations (i.e. we know we're going to lose) in Minnesota and Missouri, which was a nonbinding primary. But Mittens still lost EVERY COUNTY in Missouri. How does the appointed unstoppable front-runner (he got my nod too) pull that off? A total morale defeat, regardless if it counts on paper or not.

But Colorado, if it holds up, that'll be a painful loss. Just days ago, I saw polls where Mittens had a good lead. Which apparently evaporated in favor of Santorum. (Didn't help that Mittens in his rally speech said he might end up #1 or #2. Already conceding defeat to his supporters before the results are even conclusive.)

Why can't Mittens dispatch Newt or Santorum, two political also-rans who's "careers" ended in humiliation defeat years ago? Of 8 primaries so far (if CO ends up a Santorum win), Mittens has won three, Santorum with four and Newt with one. I'll let others calculate the delegate math, since apparently Paul beat Mittens in Minnesota for 2nd place. (and by 10 points.)

Come to think of it, Colorado/Missouri/Minnesota have another thing in common besides tonight: all are supposed swing states.