What's the problem with some of you in here?

Do you come here to enjoy the discussions? To share what you may know with others and learn from others that may know something that you don't know?

Or do you come to these boards to start trouble, dis each other, flex your INTERNET muscles ( very easy to do when sitting behind a computer ) and piss all over each other? It's fucking ridiculous the way that some of you act on these boards!

Many of you ( and you know who you are ) look to infiltrate almost every topic with your bullshit, your immaturity and most of all your ignorance with nothing more than the intent to cause disruption and disharmony, contributing absolutely nothing fruitful to these forums and discussions.

It's starting to get real old now with the :

"I know this one and you know shit and your a jerk and you have no credibility and I am an internet know it all when it comes to the mob and you don't have your ear to the streets like I do, and I grew up here and you live there so you know nothing..."

Remember, it is NOT your RIGHT to become a member of these boards...but it is a PRIVILEGE granted to you by the owner of these boards!

So to those of you who insist on posting here with all of these nonsensical attacks and the back and forth bullshit, you need to either grow up by respecting the opinions of others and respecting the owner of this board by learning to debate, discuss and disagree like adults.................

.........or get the fuck off these boards!

The choice is yours to make right now, so don't force the mods to make it for you. Because I can tell you this with the utmost certainty; if you don't make the right choice yourself.....then we will make it for you!

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.