The Left weren't the only ones miffed about that Mittens gaffe. Erick Erickson at RedState pretty much sums up that Conservative collective partisan facepalm:

This morning Mitt Romney said he wasn’t concerned about the poor. The poor, after all, have food stamps and Medicaid. But don’t worry. If the safety net is broken, Patrician Mitt Romney will fix it so the poor can stay comfortably poor. After all, just look what he did in Massachusetts. The poor can now wait 44 days to get in to see a doctor. Excelsior!

After making sure we all understood the poor were for the Democrats to be worried about, Romney decided to keep digging his hole even bigger. By the end of the day, Jim DeMint had to rebuke him.

Romney, digging his hole deeper, said his remark needed more context. The context, according to Romney, is that we have government programs to keep the poor . . . well . . . poor but comfortable.

Oh, but that’s not all. If you misunderstood patrician Mitt Romney, he trotted out the other New England patrician, John Sununu — the man who advised George H. W. Bush to go with David Souter — to dig the hole even deeper. Sununu told the National Review that their candidate has no intention of changing policies to those that might actually lift the poor out of poverty into the middle class.

EDIT - CNN is reporting that Donald Trump won't endorse Newt, but Mittens after all. I'm sure Mittens is ABSOLUTELY THRILLED by securing this key endorsement. Wouldn't you be?

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 02/02/12 12:05 PM.