You be the judge:
1. A cop shoots and kills his wife with his service revolver. Claims she attacked him with a kitchen knife. His knife wounds are found to be self inflicted. He gets 6 years in prison.
2. A man shoots a 14 year old boy twice. Boy lives. Man gets 8 years.
3. Husband and wife have an argument. Wife assaults husband with physical blows. Man defends himself, but grabs a piece of rope and subdues her by holding the rope against her throat. She passes out. He lets go. She revives. Husband gets 11 years.
4. Drunken wife runs down her husband with car as he waits for the bus and kills him. Wife gets 6 years.

Which punishment seems extreme? Which punishment seems too lenient.

These are real cases.

Last edited by MaryCas; 02/01/12 10:00 PM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12