Originally Posted By: BAM_233

a cheap shot yes...but, who the fuck straps a dog on top of a roof?!

The same guy who likes to fire people, the same guy who makes $10,000 bets with the mentally challenged like Rick Perry, the same guy who defends corporations as people, the same rich guy who knows how it feels to "fear" losing his job, the same guy who wants to beat the Taliban by winning, the same guy who pays only 15%...no 13.9%...no 40-50% tax!

The same guy who the night after kicking Newt's fatass all over Florida and should be basking in that glory, he goes vintage Mittens on national TV this morning with his newest bonehead comment:

Regardless that this line was taken out of context, why can't he THINK BEFORE HE TALK? He should've smacked himself on the head Mark Harmon style once he said ""I'm not very worried about the very poor. There's a safety net there." Almost makes me nostalgic for Dubya. At least when he said something stupid, we all laughed about it and moved on. Nobody ever called Dubya an asshole for saying "misunderestimate."

This is a difference between the Republicans and Democrats. GOP likes to nominate such people to top of the ticket. Democrats dump them to the VP slot, to be seen but not heard. (Imagine if Biden was President.)

Originally Posted By: BAM_233

i hope obama likes his next four years of dealing with the gop hissing fit over losing the election.

He'll be too busy planning his Presidential library to worry that much about them. Just Barry, don't follow Bubba's advice and rent out the Lincoln Bedroom. It won't end well.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 02/01/12 09:29 PM.