Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
The fuck's a yom?

lol, sorry about that man. You of Italian descent? I know your Aussie, but there's a bunch of Calabrian descented peoples in Melbourne. Yom, is short for mulignon, an Italian-American term for blacks, originating from melanzina, or egg plant. It's not racist per se, though in Hollywood films and TV, it typically has a racist connotation. Though Italian-Americans are typically portrayed as prejudiced against, particularly, blacks which is a shame.

Mulignan is half-offensive depending on context, though has none of the connotation or history that other American racial epithets have.

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer