Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Shirts and everything those fuckers had. They should have printed some up for the Colombo family and Massino-era Bonannos.

Those guys were more often than not, facing real prison sentences. And as with Massino, forfeiture of all assets ---fucking pieces of shit (the Feds more so than Massino). Most Yoms, who were the intended target of Stop Snitching are on drug or drug dealing pinches. A helluva lot different than drug trafficking RICO busts.

Last edited by Nicholas; 01/30/12 05:04 AM.

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer