Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

As far as Romney himself goes, even though he's LDS, that doesn't mean I'm automatically in the bag for him. On one hand, the guy is very smart, knows business, and is a natural leader. And while I'm not convinced anyone will beat Obama, I think Romney has the best chance to do so out of the remaining GOP candidates. On the other hand, his flip-flopping bugs us Mormons more than anyone. Changing ones beliefs is understandable, if it's genuine, but he held positions late in life on some things that just don't jive with his supposed beliefs. Furthermore, while it may be him pandering to the right in the primaries, he seems to be leaning too far toward the unchecked capitalism types for my taste.

I...obviously don't like Mittens. I know, shocking revelation. But if he was elected, it would be a watershed moment in American history. For an often disrespected American cultural entity, it would be their moment of unparallel political legitimacy much like JFK was for the Catholics. Or to use another example from across the ocean in a different office all together, for the Poles when Pope John Paul II was crowned with his funny God hat.

Four years ago, I remember Mittens trying to break bread with the Evangelicals like JFK had to do with the Southern Baptist Democrats. They nodded, smiled, spit in his face, and politely told Mittens to go fuck off. So now at the last debate, Mittens had to dodge that loaded Mormon question, acting it like a liability. Which for that insane party base, it unfortunately is. (Why else is Newt their apparent morality champion?)

I wonder, what if he had forcefully approached that question as he had with Newt and his Bernie Mac investments? Cynically I would say nothing would've changed, in fact their might've been a backlash again him and rile up that same base even more.

EDIT - In my meltdown a week or two ago, I inadvertedly thought of something: Notice how his own party base don't seem to really respect Mittens. I remember Anne Coulter's argument that let's get him elected, then beat up on him.

Would the Neocons/Teabaggers all kneecap him like what the liberals did to Jimmy Carter, or first half of Bill Clinton's first term? Or even the GOP with the second half of George Bush'sterm?

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 01/28/12 07:43 PM.