Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

However with regards to "setting the record straight," remember those polls when Dubya was President that 10-15% of Americans thought the government was behind 9/11? Now you have 10-15% who apparently think the current President is a Muslim. I'm sure the same retarded insane 10-15% will believe what they want to believe about a President Romney.

Because the most successful political smears work on general public ignorance. That's always been the case.

I posted that article and allegation at another message board, and the local liberals there kneejerked in disgust, but then claim they're above using one's religion against a candidate. I wish we Internet users were there together in the flesh so I could give them a long, bland stare. Really? Bullshit. I can clearly see that public front used to attack the LDS later this year, in the form of the Holocaust victims. Nevermind the inevitable extention of already existing jokes about polygamy and "magic underwear."

But to defend those liberals, I'm damn certain Newt will beat them to it. A animal is most dangerous when it's bleeding.

What you said is very true. And we Mormons are very aware of it. We're more or less expecting that, the farther Romney gets, the more it will become somewhat of a referendum on the Church itself. There will be the same kind of false claims that were made about Kennedy being controlled by the Pope because he was Catholic. And like you said, for all their pretended sensitivity, liberals are not above playing this card. In fact, in recent polls, it was found that the secular liberals on the far left dislike Mormons even more than the evangelical conservatives on the far right. And that's saying something.

As far as Romney himself goes, even though he's LDS, that doesn't mean I'm automatically in the bag for him. On one hand, the guy is very smart, knows business, and is a natural leader. And while I'm not convinced anyone will beat Obama, I think Romney has the best chance to do so out of the remaining GOP candidates. On the other hand, his flip-flopping bugs us Mormons more than anyone. Changing ones beliefs is understandable, if it's genuine, but he held positions late in life on some things that just don't jive with his supposed beliefs. Furthermore, while it may be him pandering to the right in the primaries, he seems to be leaning too far toward the unchecked capitalism types for my taste.

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