So this random thought came to mind when reflecting upon that Mittens statement from the debate last night that he never voted for a Democratic candidate when there was a GOP candidate on the ballot.

Why is Mittens embarrased (or acts like it) about voting for Tsongas in the Democratic presidential primary in '92? Certainly a Massachussetts Democrat worried about deficit spending, he would've possibly been considered an attractive choice for cross-party voters. It's not like he voted for Ted Kennedy, as McCain and later Newt made it out to be.

Mittens could've argued that yeah he voted for the other party, but it proves that he's more concerned about issues than mindless partisanship. Better than anything else, it would be true, something the records can't disprove. It's not dodgy like his stance on abortion or HCR or whatever.

Why is that a liability?

EDIT - A break from Mittens Bashing, bigtime lose Rick Perry is back in the news:

"Texas taxpayers were billed almost $800,000 in travel costs for a security detail to travel with Gov. Rick Perry largely on out-of-state events tied to his presidential campaign from September through November," the Austin American Statesman reports.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 01/27/12 11:32 AM.