It's over. The Georgian bacon has gone cold and will now be thrown into the garbage.

Who knew it would be Santorum of all people who knocked Mittens on his ass flat over HCR? "Not worth getting mad about"? My plan, that I've been disowning for several years as a bad national model, works?

I can't believe this, I agree with Ricky: Mittens has given that issue away for the fall.

Hey remember my predix of Rubio as VP? The way those three pandered to Rubio (Mittens: "a terrific Hispanic leader"), it's like they're talking about the Cuban Jesse Jackson or something, the local ethnic cadre who they want to kiss their ring.

Also, Paul was funny about that Cuban answer. If there was justice, he would be the GOP nominee. Granted, he would lose. But that said, he could be a Goldwater, someone who broke the dam of political/philosophical change to the GOP orthodoxy and instituted long-term changes.

Imagine those debates where he would stick it to Obama over civil liberties and striving (if more sane compared to Dubya) for more war in the Middle East, and even the War on Drugs. I would pay good cash to see a guy I'm voting for squirm on those issues.