Originally Posted By: olivant

A late entrant.

olivant is right about the filing deadlines. It does make sense for someone to pop up now, if only work in forcing a brokered convention. But who man, imagine if that did come true and you have Mittens/Newt/Mystery Candidate duking out for that tab, while Ron Paul could turn heel and burn his party for an independent bid, or try to influence the convention outcome.

But I'll say this right now: Jeb Bush aint that white knight. His name alone is toxic. Notice how his brother's name doesn't seem to pop up all that much at the debates, nobody really trying to tie themselves to that brand-name. (Exception was Newt defending his Tax Cuts, but that's it recently I'm aware of to my knowledge.)

I might suggest Mitch Daniels, but he's waiting for '16. Christie has burned the national GOP bridge (for now) for nominating a gay black judge to the NJ Supreme Court, Rubio don't want to piss away his #1 contender status as the running mate pick. Jindal? Maybe.

I know! Donald Trump.

Originally Posted By: olivant
I listened to Ann Coulter yesterday on Michael Medved's show. She stated that this presidential election is the most critical one in our lifetimes. How many times have I heard that? What presidential election during our lifetimes has not been the most critical? By the way, I wonder when she's going to have that adam's apple reduction surgery.

She's right actually. '12 is the most critical election of our lifetime. Until the next one four years later.

Poor Anne. Someday somebody will raise the necessary money to give her that surgery she desperately needs.

~Who knew permanent wired jaws are so pricey?