Originally Posted By: olivant
I listened to Ann Coulter yesaterday on Michael Medved's show. She stated that this presidential election is the most critical one in our lifetimes. How many times have I heard that? What presidential election during our lifetimes has not been the most critical? By the way, I wonder when she's going to have that adam's apple reduction surgery.

I thought the 2004 election was the most critical since we couldn't change leadership while fighting a war. That was after the most critical 2000 election where it was important to have a changing of the guard from the morally lacking Clinton years. What about 2008, when it was the most critical one due to the financial meltdown that was taking place.

The only reason this one is the most critical election to her is to pave the way for her newest book and her radio show.

"After all, we are not communists"

Christopher Moltisanti: You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?

Tony Soprano: Yeah well, when you're married, you'll understand the importance of fresh produce.