Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I wouldn't want rain daily but here in CA it really doesn't rain that much (compared to the East) AND we seldom get big thunderstorms. I admit, I love thunderstorms. Something neat about them. smile

Bad thing in CA tho is people can't drive in the rain here. Freeways slow down to a crawl at the slightest drizzle. rolleyes AND, if your on the freeway during 5:00 traffic, you'll triple your time to get to/from work.

I heard a line from Two & Half Men a couple weeks ago that only a Californian would get. Waldon's mom is coming up to Santa Monica from San Diego. Walden says, "you're 10 miles away?" "Ok, then, I'll see you in about 2 hours." lol

That quote is similar to here where EVERYTHING is 5 minutes away, even if its really a half hour away lol. I don't mind it raining daily, which is why i wouldn't complain about living in Washington state, since they get a lot of rain. What is interesting is Seattle has more days per year with rain, but New York City averages more rain per year than Seattle.

"Death is the answer to all problems. No man, no problem."

"I'd rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who i am not"