LA is a completely different town than Chicago is, cone on guys, use your heads.

During the Ricca/Accardo years, Accardo was the puppet front boss while Ricca called the shots, end of story. I know I talk about guys like Moe & O'Brien as the best Outfit bosses, but Paul Ricca is really in a class all by himself when it comes to American Mafiosi. How that guy did it, we will never know.

Bill Roemer LOL!!! Bill is a good guy, & really cared about the work that he did. But his only TRUE window into the Outfit was Jackie The Lackey, and Cerone didn't give him SHIT. Keep believing your bullshit feds info from guys that don't even live here, that base everything they've got off of lies told to them & goofy code talk.

Johnny DiFronzo's nickname is 'Bananas', not 'No Nose'. And JDF is RICH. AS. FUCK. He is a jokester & driving around in that beater pick-up is his way of giving the reporters/feds something to scratch their heads about. He has absolutely nothing to hide, there is nothing they can do to him at this point. Elmwood Park is untouchable for the time being. That's why you can catch these guys out & about anywhere around the city, they have nothing to fear & nothing to hide.