Originally Posted By: "Sonny_Black"
I feel a new Outfit war is coming. Word on the street is IvyLeague is sharping his knives, again.

Nah, this guy pretty much shot himself in the foot from the start.

First, when one uses the phrase "the mighty Chicago Outfit," there's a good chance you're dealing with fanboy syndrome.

Second, he accuses others of "not having a clue" yet he misidentifies the Gambinos as the top family. To say nothing of misidentifying Chicago as the #2 family.

Third, do I even need to get into the revisionist history regarding Accardo? Which, by the way, is really a separate issue entirely from the current state of the Chicago mob.

Originally Posted By: "moolou"
It's the same old debate every few months. You just have to switch around the family. "The feds don't know anything. Chicago/Detroit/wherever is so secretive, so well connected..I'm from NY/Chicago/Detroit so I know things that you don't."

There's no way that the modern day Outfit is second to the Genovese in any category. Chicago is still a viable family, sure. But they don't rival any of the NY families, except for possibly the Colombos. But whatever. Everyone always sticks to their guns about how their hometown mob is enormously powerful, despite all odds. All we have to do is search for the last Chicago fight to see how this plays out.

It's refreshing to see that others are starting to recognize this hometown thing for what it is. As soon as I read, "I'm from Chicago" and "I'm 100% Sicilian" - which means everyone should just automatically take his word as gospel - I thought to myself, here we go again.

Originally Posted By: "short841"
New England will last longer? no they wont. New england mob has only 8 made guys left on the street, how many does chicago have out? I know that the amount of guys you have in your family doesnt depend on how powerful the family is but 8 active made men is worrying. Chicago will be active for another 30 40 years min

Not sure where you got that 8 made guys on the street figure. Of course, the New England family consists of members in Boston, Providence, and Connecticut. Active made guys in Providence and Connecticut appear to be down to single digits but there's more in Boston. And, in terms of discernible activity, Chicago is comparable to New England.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.