Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Remember how outrageous they thought Madonna was with her cone shape bras, garage sale type outfits and such? I think an all-meat outfit tops that. lol I couldn't believe that.


IMO, the Egg hatching topped that non-PETA friendly wardrobe.

Originally Posted By: scarfacetm
Apprently it seems that the trend now adays in music is to look as trashy or as stupid as you can.

I would argue that to a degree in variations, this has always been the case. Rlbid Elvis the Pelvis horrified America's parents. But in truely purposefully outrageous visual get-up, let's start from the early 70s and go forward. David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Elton John, Sex Pistols, Madonna and so forth. I could also bring up or the newly-Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inducted Red Hot Chili Peppers back in their heyday 90s performing an awards show only in their clean tighty whities.

But specifically, let's bring up Prince, which my man Lilo can back me up here with my point. When he had his first major hit ("I Wanna Be Your Lover") back in 1979, Warner Bros. had him set-up as the supposed new Stevie Wonder, and he pretty much looked and composed like your typical late 70s R&B/Disco black music act that can be imagined. (Afro goes without saying.) Nothing controversial. At least from my end.

So how does he follow that up the very next year? DIRTY MIND, he tosses all that in favor of wearing a trench coat, leg warmers and a bikini thong on stage, all while singing explicitely about oral sex, sibling incest, and alot of bad words too.

And this was in 1980, the year Reagan was elected. I'm un-PC for saying this, but a black man dressed* like that back then and still now in a black neighborhood would get his ass kicked into oblivion. Pure and simple. So the latest shock is nothing new, just pushing the envelope further and further along. The envelope aint been shredded yet folks.

*=I remember that infamous anecdote when Prince at that time opened for the Rolling Stones at the L.A. Colliseum. He starts off with "Jack U Off"....and to say the least, the crowd you would expect at a Stone concert violently reacted negatively to a black guy in a thong singing about masturbating another dude. Garbage, beer, and food thrown at him, including a whole fried chicken (I bet it was Jake Blues) and he ran off the stage.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 01/14/12 09:18 PM.