Originally Posted By: dontomasso
. . . and now that Mittens has Newt in a tizzy we can expect a ton of negativity, which is good for the Dems.


It will also benefit the Dems if the wingnuts drop out sooner rather than later. If they hang around in the Primaries, it will benefit Mittens, because the people who would vote for a Perry or a Bachmann are probably more likely to vote for Santorum or Paul.

So as a Democrat, you'd rather see a long, drawn-out bloodbath with the Republicans. If the wingnuts stay in play, Romney will coast to the nomination. If they drop out, I still think he'll get it, but the cost will be very high, what with the infighting and negative campaigning that a close race will bring.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.