Originally Posted By: Turnbull
And even if they don't, Romney's likely to make the same mistake McCain made in 2008--he'll keep looking to the Right, to assure them he's one of them, and not to the Middle, where the people are who elect presidents.

I agree, TB. Instead of pandering to the right, Romney should focus on the Independent voters that nominated Obama to begin with.

As far as the nomination, Romney will get it (sorry, Ronnie). I've been saying it for months: The other candidates poll up; the other candidates poll down. Romney stays right where he is, which will be enough to win in this EXTREMELY weak GOP field of 2012.

If the talking heads on Fox and the other Right leaning media decide to back him (and I don't think they will), it may get interesting. But Obama will still win in the general election, unless the economy completely shits the bed again. Because if people are still out of work, well, you just never know.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.