Originally Posted By: m2w
ontario clan except a crew in hamilton is not part of LCN and anyway montagna needn't them he knew several zips from NY
honestly, there are more wiseguys in the bonanno family than whole canada
but according to you a bunch of nobody from granby could take over the world and the bonanno's full of zips and connections not
it's laughable, just laughable

You can't possibly be from Toronto so you wouldn't have much of an idea about Italian OC there. I can tell you that between the various clans in the Toronto area, there are a lot more member and associates than the Bonnanos in NYC. In terms of numbers, wealth, and connections they are huge. But because they stay very quiet and not many of them ever go to prison, let alone become informants, they stay under the radar. For God's sake the Bonnanos had a boss of their family become a government witness. The chance of the Commisso brothers become government informants is nil.

The word is that Montagna had started extorted construction companies in Montreal for 5% of their profits. Had he been deported to Toronto instead of Montreal and tried to extort companies (a lot of which are Italian owned), no one would have paid him a dime. In Toronto if he tried to get involved in any racket controlled by local Calabrians, he would not been able to play the "Bonnano boss" card. LCN doesn't mean what you think it does in Ontario.