Originally Posted By: spartan
Originally Posted By: eurodave

When were the Musitanos released form jail and why are they often considered second tier?

I think they were released in 2007/08, but I'm not sure.

Their operations are not as big as other families/Clans. They are not involved in as much legitimate business as the other families/Clans (so have less cash flow). In terms of numbers they are much smaller. Their claim to fame is getting a reject ex-biker to kill Papalia and Barillaro (a crime in which the reject confessed).

If for example, the Musitanos dared move against the Commissos, they'd be finished within a month. They simply don't have the money, manpower, prestige, or allies....and they are not integrated into Ontario's Ndrangheta structure.

Granted they aren't as powerful as other families in the GTA but they still got the green light to get rid of Papalia.

Them being released in 07-08 can be somehow linked to Montreal's current situation. Just speculation.