Originally Posted By: spartan
Originally Posted By: eurodave
Originally Posted By: spartan
Eurodave, I don't think Ontario guys ever wanted to "take over" Montreal or have guys answer to them. It's more about some revenge and having Montreal stay way clear of Ontario. Plus, Ontario's way of showing they can mess around in Montreal the same way the Rizzutos thought they could operate in Toronto.

I have heard Ontario guys have been to Montreal and got up and left during meetings apparently upset.....do you have any word on which Ontario groups were in Montreal meetings? Are there any names that floated around in Montreal?

You're right that they don't want to take over Montreal directly, but I'm sure some form of tribute has to be sent back to Ontario and some new commercial deals have been brokered.

As to which Ontario groups, it's probably the usual suspects Hamilton etc..

You think the Ontario guys will want "tribute"? I can see new commercial deals being brokered, but the Ontario guys are so wealthy (and the Montreal guys so hard headed), "tribute" might be a tricky subject. So many guys getting juiced by the Rizzuto inner circle led to this. Obviously the Violis/Luppinos wanted revenge (for obvious reasons) but in general I think Ontario mobsters work on the principle of "high fences make good neighbours"....so the Quebec guys do their thing and Ontario does it's own. Plus, I don't think people realize how much the degenerate Panepinto upset Toronto's Ndrangheta Clans.

As for Hamilton, I don't think a lot of people in North America understand how serious Hamilton is when it comes to OC. I personally think they place is a dirt hole, but when it comes to OC Hamilton is the real deal. It is by far Canada's shadiest city (yes, even more than Montreal).

I was in Hamilton two months ago for a CFL game and I got that same vibe. There's no doubt that there are some serious crime families such as the Luppinos, Violis, Papalia and Musitanos. Weren't the Musitanos responsible for killing Papalia and Barillaro?

As for tribute, I mentioned that because a local journalist said that the attempt on Desjardins was partially because he had refused to pay tribute to the new powers of Hamilton. Both Dupuis and Auger said it.

Montreal-Hamilton-Toronto are way more interconnected than people think.