Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
IF the Dems are smart (and sometimes I wonder), they'll push on the medicare/SS Ryan plan issue. It WON'T sit well with seniors and truly, I don't think a lot of people are paying attention at this point. With Romney endorsing Ryan's plan, it benefits the Ds on this issue.



Absolutely, and they're planning to do that. Romney was (initially) smart to try to avoid being directly connected with that hated plan, and would've worked if he had coasted to the nomination by default. If not for those meddling Republicans. Now forced by Newt, he's forced to try to run to the right, when its absolutely against his strategy for next fall.

The problem is if Romney has the well-earned reputation of shameless calculated pandering to the party base of what he thinks they want to hear, Newt from his (big) gut tells them exactly what they want to hear. He knows how to talk to that media. I mean try watchin that interview The Newt did with that Jewish group over Israel. Romney can promise his first oversee Presidential trip will be to Tel Aviv*, Newt promsies the fucking Book of Revelations.

I wonder how the debate tonight (yes another goddamn debate) will fare. Romney failed to throw a knock-out at Newt at the last debate, in fact got slapped a little bit for defending the hated NCLB big government fail. He's going to have to attack Newt, which could backfire. He's got no choice.

*=Hey UK, fuck you!