Will Romney's Attacks Backfire?

As with Gingrich today, Huckabee reacted to the spots by officially refusing to go negative. Instead, he attacked Romney for going negative, and then showed reporters a campaign ad he had decided not to run attacking Romney. It worked for Huckabee. In Iowa in late 2007, the negative attacks only confirmed voters suspicions of Romney as a robot candidate without clear conviction.


EDIT - Two polls that are interesting for two different reasons.

Gallup: National GOP

Newt 37%
Romney 23%
Paul 9%
Perry 6%
Bachmann 6%
Santorum 2%
Huntsman 1%

Remember that meme that Mittens has hit a ceiling? So far I've nothing to dispel it.

And at the state where Mittens' Daddy was Governor...

National Strategy: Michigan

Newt 31%
Romney 29%

That primary, btw is 2/28/12.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 12/09/11 06:56 PM.