It seems like it's coming a month earlier than I expected.

On another note, I picked up Dance For Dragons last night for...$30 mad I swear the same place I picked it up had it advertised in the window for $22 just a few days ago. I saw it in passing and decided that was where Id go to buy it, since the cheapest id found anywhere else was between $30 and (gasp) $50. I said as much to the checkout chick and she rolled her eyes and said "Um, no." mad

I know it's only $8 bucks, but still. I could have gotten it online for cheaper but as I said to Mrs Meatballs, "Yes, I do actually NEED this book asap. If you'd read the series you'd understand". She rolled her eyes too. Whatevs.

Anyway, 100 pages in and loving it. At first I was annoyed when I learned that he was doing AFFC and ADWD the way he was, running simultaneously together like the last two (Part 3) did. Getting into it though, I can understand his reasoning. Better all the story for part of the characters than half the story for all.

Like so many others, I really hope he gets number six done quickly. Its making me a little sad to think that this is the last one for a while. Getting into the series as late as I did was good in a way, since I didnt have to wait years between additions, I could just hack through all five at my leisure. When I finish this book though, Im in the same boat as everyone else, waiting.

Guess Ill have to read this one extra slow grin
