Romney Gets Flustered On Fox]

Romney also strongly disputed the idea that he had ever, ever recommended the Massachusetts health care model of the individual mandate be adopted nationwide — while also standing by it as having worked for Massachusetts.

“So, governor,” Baier said, “you did say on camera and other places that, at times, you thought it would be a model for the nation.”

“You’re wrong, Bret.”

“No, no. There’s tape —”

“The tape out there — continue to read the tape, and the tape goes on to say for each state to be able to look at it.”

I was for it before I was against it.

And if I were willing to say anything to get elected, wouldn’t I just say, oh, it was a mistake, because I’ve watched other people on the stage. When they talk about their cap and trade policies, they say, oh, that was a mistake. When someone says, oh, I did this ad on global warming, that was a mistake.

So, they just dust it aside, and that makes them more attractive in a primary. I’m standing by what I did in Massachusetts. I’ve tried to dust it aside. The biggest issue that dogs me in the primary campaign, I’m absolutely firm that it was the right thing for our state. I’ll defend that. And I understand it has political implications, and if it keeps me from winning a primary, so be it. But that happens to be the truth.

Oh Mitt, you just gave Newt ammo.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 11/30/11 02:06 PM.