Nicholas... La Stidda are garbage. Technically they are Cosa Nostra. But, they are really outcasts, members that broke rules of Cosa Nostra and went their own way. 2-bit criminals that do anything for a dollar and hire anyone that wants in. Talk about gangs. In the 80's, in particular, they tried to takeover Cosa Nostra and the wars broke out. Check into the wars of Porto Empedocle, Agrigento, of the 80's, where they killed a Cosa Nostra boss, Nino Messina, and so began the war.
Today, however, some have put old differences and grudges aside and have worked together drugs particularly. I was even at a wedding 2 years ago in Sicily where the sister of a top current leader of Stidda (yes, they are still around), married a member of Cosa Nostra... her family member had killed the father of the groom ( her husband) in the 80's!! (Not all attended cause some won't let go of the grudge, and understandably so). Unbelievable. This is a sign of the times. They collaborate on many things now to make the money and stay alive. BUT, to many of them, they are unforgiving and still hold grudges of their fathers and brothers being killed by Stidda. Rightfully so.

Personally, I think nothing more of Stidda than shit.

Last edited by carmela; 11/22/11 12:24 AM.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.