Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

If we're going to put any stock in the polls, then you have to consider how Cain is in an absolute tailspin with women voters (especially after the Pelosi remarks).


Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

It will be Romney. Whether or not it's even close in the general election depends on whether or not the far righties decide to back him (and I don't think they will). If Romney ends up getting the support of, say, a Rush Limbaugh, then it might get interesting. But he'll still lose.

I'll post if I find it, but I read a poll result that Mittens has only 45% approval rating among GOPers.

I also wonder too about that failed Personhood Amendment. Romney has done his best to run away from that extremist Pro-Life issue like the plague, and why wouldn't he? A bill that would ban IVF and most contraception? If Mississippi can't pass that, it surely won't pass anywhere else. Yet its going on the ballot in '12 in major battleground states like Florida.

I could see the White House paint Romney as a pro-life extremist, being in support of the Personhood Amendment. Mittens would inevitbly deny (not easy since Romney's flip-flop reputation has gotten the best of him), but then have to delicately dance with that very pro-life base of his: Please vote for me, even though I don't support your current celebre cause.

Didn't help that his unveiled medicare/social security reform plan is almost a mirror of the publicly-despised Ryan plan. Raising the enrollment age and cutting funds may be necessary to reform that system, but try selling that to the public in an election.

Of course, its a whole year away.

EDIT - GOP Insider claims Mittens has Iowa in the bag.


Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 11/12/11 08:15 PM.