The individual that was and is posting under names such as Hal, Come Clean, Everett Mob, and even Pat Russolillo is a goof named Steven Fitzgerald. He goes by the name Fat Harvey. Harvey grew up in Everett and was basically a degenerate gambler. He goes from bulletin board to bulletin board with his nonsense and untruth. He did a short bit in Billerica where he got slapped around by a wannabe named Lelo. After he got out he was blackballed by everybody so he decided to be an informant. Fat Harvey was physically thrown out of the Everett Police Station when he brought his computed generated "paperwork" that was clearly devised by him. Next he went to the State Police where they realized he knew nobody and nothing. That is where his bitterness towards Staties comes from. His own family disowned him due to his clinical mental state of mind. He uses dozens of aliases on several different boards looking for attention and bad mouthing respected (rightfully so) people. In one word he was, is, and always will be a loser. You can expect replies under different names in response to this but you can take this reply to the bank. If you read his posts carefully they make no sense. He has pieces of different stories he's heard and tries to put them together. So Harvey, or whatever name you want to call yourself, time is a wasting. Tick Tick Tick.